Prescriptions may be issued by your physician, and are provided to the pharmacist. This can be done by fax (with cover page), mail, a patients assistant, or in person. Prescriptions submitted fax, or one of our mobile apps, can only be accepted on the condition that the original prescription hasn't been duplicated, and the original copy is provided to the pharmacy for storage.
Oversight of Operations
Without exception we observe the Health Professions Act, and all college bylaws to ensure your safety through compliance to legislation.
Policies for Prescription Medication
We provide television, books, magazines and an interesting neighbourhood to explore while you wait. We can arrange local courier delivery or mail services if you cannot wait. We endeavour to meet a 5 minutes (per drug) average wait time, but many complex details need to be reviewed, assessed, and documented prior to billing, preparation, final check, consultation and payment. This means wait times vary depending on workload, cue length, product availability, procedure, documentation, payment requirements, insurance claims, and observation of legislated dispensing requirements. We respect the cue, and only triage orders ahead of others when therapeutic circumstances clearly demand it. Some orders require significantly more work and attention that others and this can cause delays. We are trained to identify these situations and will offer services when they are safe and possible to do so. If not, we will refer you to a colleague.
Rushed Compounding and Dispensing is a Bad idea
Please plan ahead to give your pharmacist abundant time, to ensure you are not left without medication, should unforeseen complications arise (such as national or regional drug shortages). Pharmacists work hard to plan and account for the provision of your medication under rapidly changing circumstances, in highly complicated environments. Please help us keep our error rate below the national average by giving us 7-14 days notice before you need your medication.
No tolerance for discrimination.
We are located in a diverse neighbourhood with a broad demographic. We cater to all well-mannered people, and aim to be of service to anyone who has the need for a good pharmacist. We observe ethical dispensing principles and make every effort to avoid discrimination. Observed acts of aggression, racism, sexism, or hatred would not be tolerated.
If it is your first time ordering a Prescription medication with us, please visit or have your practitioner Call, Fax or mail us your prescription.
We require a copy of the original prescription from your practitioner before we are able to process and ship the order. The prescription must be written by either a Medical Doctor, Naturopathic Doctor, Veterinarian, Dentist, Surgeon, Podiatrist, Midwife, or Nurse Practitioner who is registered and licensed in Canada. Prescriptions written outside of Canada are not valid in Canada.
You have three options for providing us with your original prescription:
- Ask your Doctor to fax the prescription to our fax number:
Fax: 1-250-383-1353
- Visit us with the prescription in hand, or send it with a trusted person.
- Have your prescriber phone us:
Phone: 1-250-383-6511 (option 3)
We require your ID. A high resolution colour copy of your provincial health services card, Care card, or other photo identification is generally acceptable (required for your first order only). Passports or drivers permits are acceptable.
Most prescriptions are valid for one year after the date they are written by your doctor. Unused refills older than 1 year are void by law, unless the prescription is for contraception, where the expiration is a maximum of 2 years. Previous prescriptions may be over-written by newer prescriptions issued for the same drug, unless the physician indicates otherwise.
We are not able to process prescriptions written in the US.
We are only able to ship prescription medications to the U.S. and Canada.
We are not able to direct bill U.S. insurance companies.
We do bill to many third party insurance plans (such as Manual Life and Sun Life) when a faxed/scanned/photocopy of the patient's insurance card is provided.
As per Canadian law, we are not able to accept medications for return and redistribution.